Friday, January 29, 2010

Week One Weigh-In

I was secretly fully confident that I would be this week's big winner. I mean, I never told anyone that I felt this way, I just believed it would be me, since I worked the hardest, ate the least, and exercised the most. Well, apparently, some people chose to work out more than one day this week. And some people watched their calories a little closer. And some people just plain got sick. The big winner this week was K.W., not little old me. But really, I can't complain too much, I lost 4.5 pounds in one week! That's crazy for me, I mean, usually I lose about 2 pounds in 2 weeks, and then totally get unmotivated, shout out a curse word and make a bee-line for the ice cream aisle at Wal-Mart. I love the ice cream aisle at Wal-Mart. So many flavors, so many choices. Ok, this is not good for me.

Anyway, I am pretty thrilled with myself. I stuck to the food diary, even on the sleepless nights with sick little G. I only had to order out one time, and that was at Subway, which is pretty full-proof. I had a good week. I do, however, need to squeeze in more exercise. I only walked once, and man, was I proud of those 43 minutes, or what?! For me, exercise is the key to looking and feeling better. Tomorrow starts the beginning of another week, and I can't wait.

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