Friday, January 29, 2010

Walking Buddies

I am lucky enough to have two great walking buddies. They are almost always eager and available to go for walks with me (except when they get sick, which is quite often), they point out important things, like dogs and horses, along the way, and they only cry or complain if the other one is bothering them. Sometimes they fall asleep on the walk, which is nice, and sometimes the sun gets in their eyes, and they definitely don't like that. Once in a while, they'll want to get out and actually walk, which is not ok, but we just quickly turn around and journey back home so they can run around safely.

The twins LOVE to get out and have adventures in the great outdoors. They are up for just about anything. One of the main problems we have now is classic sibling behavior, that is pretty much unstoppable in a double stroller. J.D. will grab G's sleeve, or touch her knee, or grab her hand, just to annoy her. G will scream and cry and lurch, as if she has been burned with hot coals. J.D. loves a performance. He keeps ahold of that sleeve like it's his mission in life, until I have to come around and pry his little fingers loose, tell him "No, no," and then the walk continues. I think it's just one of those things with the twins that's just starting now, and will continue on for the next 18 years.

This is the day before J.D. was diagnosed with another double ear infection. He looks totally out of it, doesn't he? Anyway, he seemed to enjoy the walk, and only grabbed G once. Apparently he only had the energy for a single terrorist attack that morning. Poor little guy.

G loves the adventure, she's like, "let's go mom!!" She did end up breaking one of the straps in the stroller on this trip, but no matter, she stayed put and successfully pointed out every dog and horse along the way. These are pretty perfect walking buddies, in my opinion!

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