Friday, January 29, 2010

Week One Weigh-In

I was secretly fully confident that I would be this week's big winner. I mean, I never told anyone that I felt this way, I just believed it would be me, since I worked the hardest, ate the least, and exercised the most. Well, apparently, some people chose to work out more than one day this week. And some people watched their calories a little closer. And some people just plain got sick. The big winner this week was K.W., not little old me. But really, I can't complain too much, I lost 4.5 pounds in one week! That's crazy for me, I mean, usually I lose about 2 pounds in 2 weeks, and then totally get unmotivated, shout out a curse word and make a bee-line for the ice cream aisle at Wal-Mart. I love the ice cream aisle at Wal-Mart. So many flavors, so many choices. Ok, this is not good for me.

Anyway, I am pretty thrilled with myself. I stuck to the food diary, even on the sleepless nights with sick little G. I only had to order out one time, and that was at Subway, which is pretty full-proof. I had a good week. I do, however, need to squeeze in more exercise. I only walked once, and man, was I proud of those 43 minutes, or what?! For me, exercise is the key to looking and feeling better. Tomorrow starts the beginning of another week, and I can't wait.

Walking Buddies

I am lucky enough to have two great walking buddies. They are almost always eager and available to go for walks with me (except when they get sick, which is quite often), they point out important things, like dogs and horses, along the way, and they only cry or complain if the other one is bothering them. Sometimes they fall asleep on the walk, which is nice, and sometimes the sun gets in their eyes, and they definitely don't like that. Once in a while, they'll want to get out and actually walk, which is not ok, but we just quickly turn around and journey back home so they can run around safely.

The twins LOVE to get out and have adventures in the great outdoors. They are up for just about anything. One of the main problems we have now is classic sibling behavior, that is pretty much unstoppable in a double stroller. J.D. will grab G's sleeve, or touch her knee, or grab her hand, just to annoy her. G will scream and cry and lurch, as if she has been burned with hot coals. J.D. loves a performance. He keeps ahold of that sleeve like it's his mission in life, until I have to come around and pry his little fingers loose, tell him "No, no," and then the walk continues. I think it's just one of those things with the twins that's just starting now, and will continue on for the next 18 years.

This is the day before J.D. was diagnosed with another double ear infection. He looks totally out of it, doesn't he? Anyway, he seemed to enjoy the walk, and only grabbed G once. Apparently he only had the energy for a single terrorist attack that morning. Poor little guy.

G loves the adventure, she's like, "let's go mom!!" She did end up breaking one of the straps in the stroller on this trip, but no matter, she stayed put and successfully pointed out every dog and horse along the way. These are pretty perfect walking buddies, in my opinion!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day Five - It's All About the Veggies

I know I'm only five days in, but I am so proud of myself! I refuse to set one single toe on that scale in fear that if my weight hasn't budged, I'll be too discouraged to continue. That has happened before. I still haven't been able to fit in any excercise since I was totally homebound today.

I did, however, do fantastically well on my diet. I ate a ton of vegetables, drank a huge amount of water, and feel great today at the end of the day. I made a steak, mushroom, and onion stir fry for dinner as well as a spinach salad with onions and a little feta cheese. I even earned a little Skinny Cow ice cream bar after dinner. Oh, how delicious light ice cream dipped in chocolate tastes when I know it is fully deserved and it's the only dessert I've had all day. Well, it would have been more delicious if the babies and my second born hadn't been crying and whining for a bite. There is no way I was giving them a bite. No way Jose.

I enter every little bite of food into my food diary online, which is the coolest tool. Here's the link:

I'm on a roll, and I love it!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day Three - Yummy Chicken Salad!!

When I started this big weight loss mission, I immediately began scanning Target and Costco for new and exciting healthy cookbooks. I found two I liked at Fifth Avenue Books, while Danny was across the street shopping for bicycle parts. My favorite of the two so far is called Hungry Girl: 200 under 200 by Lisa Lillien. The cookbook is just that, 200 recipes under 200 calories. The author has really awesome snack ideas and some very tasty sounding desserts, too.

This afternoon, for lunch, I made her Sweet 'n Chunky Chicken Salad and it was soooooooo good. I paired it with those Oroweat Sandwich Thins from Costco. They are only 100 calories, for both pieces of bread! I also had some lime yogurt with Cool Whip Free on top for dessert. I felt so decadent! If you'd like the recipe, let me know!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day Two

Today started out just great. Check out my breakfast:
1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
1/8 cup raisins
truvia sweetener
1 turkey sausage link

That old-fashioned oatmeal really does stick to your ribs! I didn't really get hungry until quite a bit later in the morning. I had some string cheese for my mid-morning snack, then we drove to El Centro to buy our new garden/tool shed. We took the girls to Burgers 'N Beer for lunch, and I ordered the healthiest thing (I think!) on the menu, a pita stuffed with turkey, lettuce, tomatoes and red onion. It was so good!!! Instead of the fries, I had half the cesar salad they brought for me. Danny of course, at the rest.

I feel totally satisfied at this point, but need to get some type of exercise in today, and am feeling a bit snacky. I always feel a bit snacky from 2:00 until dinner time. I need to figure out some good afternoon snack ideas; I've had it with apples.

I feel much more in control today, and am looking forward to planning some healthy meals this week. We went to Costco and loaded up on fish, veggies and fruit. Maybe I'll be the big winner this week...I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Year New Me - Day One

This is the day where it all begins. I am pledging on this day, January 22, 2010 to put a full force effort into losing this stubborn weight I've been holding onto for way too long now. I need to lose 35 pounds to get down to my goal weight. Now, my goal weight isn't even teeny-tiny, it's a manageable, healthy, happy goal weight. It's the weight I was in my later years of college and my first year of marriage. I am still surprised sometimes to look down and see that this is my body. I guess I've half way expected to see my old, pre-baby body back without any effort on my part, like it will just return after a long vacation. That hasn't happened yet, so I've got to get a move on.

My weight has fluctuated a lot in the last few years. Here's a little history:

June 2001 - I graduated from college and am super healthy and fit from the college, outdoor lifestyle.
Our Rehearsal Dinner - March 7, 2003

March 2003 - I marry Danny and continue working out regularly, while maintaining my college weight during that first year of marriage.
March 2004 - I get pregnant with our first born Emma. I gain a total of 45 pounds over the course of this pregnancy.
Emma is 2 months old.

November 2004 - Emma is born. I nurse Emma for 8 months, the pounds slowly come off during this time period. I work hard after the nursing to get back into shape. I am 8 pounds away from my pre-baby weight when.....

August 2005 - I get pregnant with Clara. (Yes Emma was only 8 months old, what were we thinking?) I gain another 45 pounds, on top of the 8 pounds I didn't lose from the previous pregnancy.
April 2006 - Clara is born. Nursing begins, and continues for 14 months. The pounds come off very slowly for me again while nursing. After nursing, I hit the gym hardcore and sign up for Weight Watchers. I lose all the weight and then some, and get down to my high school weight.

Here I am at my amazing weight. I am also probably pregnant in this picture.

November 2007 - The exact minute I hit my amazing high school weight, I get pregnant with the twins. I gain 65 pounds, only because the doctors told me to.

Majorly preg-o. Nice little side-shot of Bob the cat.

Yowza. Here I am, one week exactly before the twins are born.

June 2008 - The twins are born two months pre-mature and spend their first 31 days of life in the NICU at Scripps. I nurse for six months. I am almost completely homebound, depressed and overwhelmed. Over the course of the 6 months or so after I finish nursing, I yo-yo from dieting and exercising to throwing in the towel. I lose 35 pounds of my baby weight.

May 2009 - I celebrate my 30th birthday and feel a drastic change in my metabolism. Even when I exercise and diet, I am not getting the results like I did way back in my 20s. I go through spurts of success, then quit.

November 2009 - From about Thanksgiving on, I spin out of control, and actually vocalize my vow to gain as much weight as possible because I don't care anymore. My poor husband attempts to motivate me, but meets complete resistance.

Today, January 22, 2010 - I started my weight loss support group with six wonderful friends. We are all different. We have different amounts of weight to lose, have different stories, and have varying issues with food. But, we all want to get lean, healthy, and more attractive so that we can enjoy our 30s! Can I get an amen?!

My group and I are going to meet once a week to weigh-in, discuss our week's progress, share recipes and exercise tips, and hold eachother accountable. That's what friends are for, right? Right. We are all on a mission, and I am so excited to get started today.