Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Off Track

I am way off track. Ever since the serious construction started on the house, I have had an extremely difficult time getting used to the new way of eating. It's all about the frozen food, very little fresh since there's no where to wash let alone chop it up. It's not just the inconvenience of the whole situation that's pushed me back to my old eating habits, it's the stress of the displacement, the piles of clutter, and the constant feeling that the walls are closing in.

The new kitchen is such a huge welcome change to our lives, but getting there has been tough on my diet. I have gained one pound back since the construction, and so have lost only 10 pounds since I started. I have 25 more to lose, and don't know if it's possible for me to stick with a solid diet in these circumstances!

I need motivation, bad. On top of all of this, the diet group hasn't been meeting regularly since my house is thrashed, and people are getting busier in their own lives. I need some serious motivation!

Summer is coming, and I want to feel very at home in tank tops and sundresses!

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