Friday, February 12, 2010

Week Three Weigh-In

So this week's weigh-in was a little different. Poor N threw out her back. H had a sick baby at home. A had to wait at her house for a furniture delivery, and HJ was out of town. AH had a meeting at school, so only L and K came to weigh in. We didn't even have time to visit, everyone had a busy day in front of them. So, even though the weigh-in was a little unfair, I still won! I lost 3.2 pounds this week, for a total weight loss of a little over 9 pounds! I am so thrilled and feel totally motivated to keep going. The funny thing is, tonight I kind of wanted a snack, but all my food is outside in boxes and bags due to this kitchen remodel, so I didn't eat anything. I'm going to keep this going!

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