Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week Three Weigh-In

Well, week three was kind of a bust. Everyone is getting busy with their own lives on Friday mornings, and since I had the surgery in SD and my house is a thrashed mess, I wasn't able to host the get-together. I still lost two pounds this week, so I am over the 10 pound hump! It's thrilling!

I am expecting to plateau at some point. It seems like that has to be coming, and this is always the hardest time to keep going. I like seeing the weight come off on that scale! I have to admit, I was pretty surprised to lose that much weight this week, since I really didn't manage my eating very well. The stress of all this displacement in the house, plus J.D.'s upcoming surgery proved to cause a little more snacking on my part. It's also a lot tougher to cook healthy without a sink, stove, and oven. It's tougher to make veggies, and I usually end up heating up something in the microwave, like frozen meals. No matter, I am determined! I am going to keep going! I have about 20 more pounds to go, and I now see that I really can do it!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week Three Weigh-In

So this week's weigh-in was a little different. Poor N threw out her back. H had a sick baby at home. A had to wait at her house for a furniture delivery, and HJ was out of town. AH had a meeting at school, so only L and K came to weigh in. We didn't even have time to visit, everyone had a busy day in front of them. So, even though the weigh-in was a little unfair, I still won! I lost 3.2 pounds this week, for a total weight loss of a little over 9 pounds! I am so thrilled and feel totally motivated to keep going. The funny thing is, tonight I kind of wanted a snack, but all my food is outside in boxes and bags due to this kitchen remodel, so I didn't eat anything. I'm going to keep this going!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week Two Weigh-In

Ok, week two wasn't as successful for me as week one, but beggars can't be choosers, right? I lost 1.8 pounds, which is an average amount of weight loss per week. I was hoping for at least two, but oh well. Auntie A was the big winner this week, and walked away with a prize of a manicure thanks to our previous week's winner, Kim. Hopefully, I am on a major roll, and am going to be the big winner next week!